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  • #2703

    Graham Bunn

      I think it’s time to create a list of names and contact details for maintenance organisations that are serving our membership well.

      If anyone reads this, please share details of your favourite organisation here and/or email me at

      I’ll kick it off:

      Organisation: Blue Demon Aviation
      Contact: Mark Howe
      Location: Moorabbin. YMMB
      Comment: Blue Demon have maintained my aircraft for ~ fifteen years. Mark did his apprenticeship, in part, on Comanches. They are thorough, and honest.


      Ken Harris

        I’m located in Griffith NSW which is regional area in Southwest NSW (YGTH).
        The Comanche I now own and fly has been based here for quite a few years and has been serviced and maintained by Precision Aviation. Owner Sig Kubank is very experienced and knowledgeable about Comanches and looks after a number of twins and at least one single.
        I have been very happy with his advice and the work he has carried out on our plane.
        Precision Aviation Pty Ltd
        Hanger 34
        Old Aerodrome Road
        Griffith NSW 2680
        Ph 02 6964 3158

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