With apologies for being a bit late, but here is a wrap-up for the succesful Bendigo Fly-In and AGM held back in October 2023.
Suffice to say that the weekend went very well, with visits to the Chinese Dragon Museum and to the Bendigo Buddhist temple being highlights. The former was a delight- we struck gold and were given a very personal guided tour by a lady who’s grandfather had been one of the original Chinese businessmen in Bendigo, running a pharmacy back in the day. The tour was incredibly informative and very personal.
The visit to the temple was quite a surprise- especially for this pilot, who has flown over the site many times but had not given it very much thought. While still a work in progress, the temple is very impressive when you get up close and personal.
Sadly the helicopter base visit had to be cancelled- they got called out on a mission… It was always a possibility.
The real highlight was that several members flew down from Queensland to be part of the event. This has set in train plans for reciprocal visits (i.e. the southerners will fly North) in 2024. An excellent outcome.
Minutes for the AGM and GM can be accessed via the article about the AGM itself, so that all meeting-relating documentation is located in the one easy-to-find spot.
Other News… the “News” navigation tab at the top of the home page is now a “News/Events” tab. If you tap on the Events Calendar item you will get to our new online calendar. I will be adding events to this as dates are announced (as early as possible; generally before we have finalised all the details). This calendar can be subscribed-to if you choose to do so. The benefit of subscribing to the calendar is that you will receive automatic updates to event dates/times/locations etc in your personal online calendar without having to do anything. And of course, if you have an even that is somehow related to flying Comanches please let me know so that I can add it.
Here are some photos from the Fly-In weekend. If you have any more that you’d like to share, please send them to me for inclusion.
Graham Bun.
ICS Australia Webmaster