Just in case you forgot…
It’s that time again. Our annual subscriptions fell due at the end of March, so in case you missed it, please renew as soon as you can. renewal is AU$ 165 inc GST, or NZ$ 165 (with no GST). Our bank details are as follows:
You can pay by EFT to “International Comanche Society Australasian Tribe” NAB BSB 082-309 Account 04-538-1169, please put your ICS membership number or invoice number (preferred) as the reference on the transaction
Membership of the Australasian Tribe also includes membership of the world-wide International Comanche Society which entitles you to receive the U.S. Comanche Flyer Magazine and access to the U.S. ICS web site at www.comancheflyers.com as well as our own Australasian Tribe website (where you are right now).
The gap between what ICS USA charges us for member affiliation and the fees we have been charging persists, but your Committee has again decided not to increase fees for a year. The Board of ICS increased our subscription to US$ 110 from April 1 this year, so our local fees and charges are being reviewed by your committee. When the time comes, probably at the AGM in Airlie Beach, you may expect a Notice of Motion and/or discussion proposals for which your input will be needed.
You should have received an email with a tax invoice. Please check and advise of any change in your contact details in the Details Change column of the email, and please notify us of any contact details change during a membership year. This will allow us to keep our contact database up to date.
Please submit payment ASAP to ensure that we can transfer payment to the U.S. and the continuation of delivery of your Comanche Flyer magazine.
With thanks,
Jan van der Spek
Membership Secretary, Australasian Tribe
0419 130 620